School Crest & Song
School Crest
The school crest was designed by the late Mr Chen Jen Hao, a former principal of the school and Mr Liu Kang, a former art teacher, who was a well-known pioneer in the local art scene.
The name De Ming (德明) in Chinese is not merely a translation from the name ‘Dunman’. It also draws meaning from the first line of a Confucian classic, ‘Da Xue’ (大学 ) which states that the main objective of education is to help people manifest the virtues and morals that are already inherent in them (大学之道在明明德).

The two characters (德明) in the crest written in ‘Zhuan’ (篆) calligraphy style is the work of Mr Chen Jen Hao. The Chinese ‘Zhuan’ (篆) calligraphy is ornamental in character and has a history of over 2000 years. Thus it embodies the idea of preserving a tradition. This symbolizes the school ethos, which is, building on and fostering traditional values.
The red symbolizes passion and striving for success. The blue signifies peace and dignity while the circular border represents wholeness and unity, and symbolizes the pursuit of universality, derived from the classic ‘Liji Daxue’ (《礼记•大学》).
School Song
德明中学 矗立加东
亭亭松影 习习海风
集我英才 汇于一家
文艺科学 同冶同攻
树模楷 教诚信
立风范 诲勇忠
吾学兮博通 吾德兮高崇
师生共陶镕 浩气干长空
爱护我德明 永志乎五中
光大我德明 永志乎五中